Sunday, June 29, 2008


There are some teachers in the Kingdom of God who I am blessed by. Two in particular are Graham Cooke and Francis Frangipane. For a few years now I have been writing on Frangipane's Message Boards. During that time I have learned more about his ICIT (In Christ's Image Training) and have wanted to take it. Thursday I asked Father if I was to, or if Garry and I were to, that He would make the way. Honestly, I was looking toward doing in next year. So I get an e-mail from a friend saying this person is paying for us to take it!

Francis Frangipane has a vision for the City Wide Church. Not a denomination but Jesus, Kingdom people, no matter where they go to church...I am wondrously dumbfounded that He moved so quickly and so generously! So I may either blog more because of all I'm learning or be so busy that blogging may wait. I just know I feel this is an important step in us fulfilling God's plans and purposes for our lives.