Regarding God:
A good parent always lets the child know what is expected. They let them know what pleases or displeases them; what will harm the child and what is safe. The good parent's desire is for the child to grow up strong physically, emotionally and morally (body, soul and spirit). Unfortunately we human parents are not perfect and we make many mistakes. On the other hand, God is perfect. He created human beings in His image and let them know what would keep them safe, what would please Him and the consequences of going their own way. Adam and Eve had the choice of eating from the Tree of Life or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Up till the time they ate of the Tree of Knowledge they lived in peace, actually surrounded and clothed in the Glory of God.
God is not a man that He should lie and when they sinned they suffered the consequences. They were cast out of their perfect garden, not because God hated them, but because He hates sin and it will not be in His presence (holiness). But at the same time God told them He would make a way for their restoration. That's in Gen. 3
This fact angers many people who want to know about a mushy warm fuzzy love, His love is more than that. And along with His love God is also holy. No one seems to want to deal with that. For years I sure didn't. His attributes are infinite and He is true to all of them.....
After the sin man then began making up his own idea of who God is, what He is like, what he will do and not do and what pleases or displeases him. He began making up rules by which he wanted to lived. My kids would try to make up the house rules, I wasn't amused. Discipline followed. It is not unusual that we want to set ourselves over authority, Lucifer tried it and became Satan......