Thursday, September 20, 2007


What are the characteristics of a lover?

They are consumed with the thought of their beloved. They want to spend all their time with them. To do for and give to them. They want emotional intimacy with them. There is a desire to be loved back. They want the very best for the person

Merriam Webster’s on-line dictionary ( gives this definition of lover:

Function: noun
1 a : a person in love; especially : a man in love with a woman b plural : two persons in love with each other
2 : an affectionate or benevolent friend

Number 3 really got my attention so I had to look up “devotee” and “devote”.

Main Entry: dev·o·tee
Function: noun
: an ardent follower, supporter, or enthusiast

Main Entry: de·vote
Function: transitive verb
1 : to commit by a solemn act
2 : to give over or direct (as time, money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity

synonyms DEVOTE, DEDICATE, CONSECRATE, HALLOW mean to set apart for a special and often higher end. DEVOTE is likely to imply compelling motives and often attachment to an objective . DEDICATE implies solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose . CONSECRATE stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality . HALLOW, often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity .

Father loves us so passionately that His only begotten Son, Jesus, died and rose from the dead for us. This was both Father’s and Jesus solemn act. He has given over all for us. He watches over us: Deuteronomy 32 9 But the LORD's portion is His people,
Jacob, His own inheritance.
10 He found him in a desolate land,
in a barren, howling wilderness;
He surrounded him, cared for him,
and guarded him as the pupil of His eye. (A)
11 He watches over His nest like an eagle
and hovers over His young;
He spreads His wings, catches him,
and lifts him up on His pinions

His compelling motive is our redemption--a much higher end, a huge good.

Because God first loved us we can love Him back. Because He is passionate about us we can be passionate about Him. He is our lover. Everything above applies to how He loves us. When we grasp how thorough and intense and passionate His love for us is our love for Him will grow. As that grows so will our desire to obey Him, to be with Him, to be transformed into His image.


Merrie said...

Ahhhh, yes, LORD! Such simple truth, yet so profound! We love Him because He first loved us! Oh, that we were wise enough to accept and bask in that love!