Friday, May 23, 2008


There we were last Sunday minding our own business. We ran errands and on our way home we see this very emaciated kitten struggling across the street. We got to his spot about the time he made it up the curb and into grass. Now, a few days ago, I'd been being grateful that we didn't have any more cats or dogs. So I say to Garry, "We are going to stop, right"? Of course he was already stopping.

I got out of the car and the poor little thing ran, sort of, but I could tell it was scared. I also knew that if Garry got out the kitten would be fine and I was right. It just laid there and watched as he approached. So I drove home with the kitten laying on his feet.

The kitten's eyes were a mess as you can see in the first picture. We bathed them often with boric acid eye wash. Monday I could not get him to the vet but did Tuesday. He gets antibiotics 2x a day and a special amino acid to help build up his immune system.

He wants so badly to have the dogs and other cats like him and they don't.

The second two pics were taken 72 hours after we got him.

Yesterday I told Garry about having been so grateful not to have more animals and here I had another. Same thing happened last time I was grateful for not having more so my sweet husband said, "God's trying to get you to stop limiting Him"! Need I say more....... :-)


Merrie said...

Bless Gary's heart! He is so kind. I'm laughing at the humor of our Father. He has such a way of removing our limits!