Sunday, July 29, 2007


"The little foxes spoil the vine" is a saying I've heard for years. Actually the Song of Solomon reads, "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom". (Song of Solomon 2:15 NIV).

That old saying and the verse came to mind yesterday as I was getting more tired and judgment and bad attitude reared their ugly heads.

We were with my daughter and her sons at a restaurant. As I said I was tired. For three weeks I had not had enough rest, had been busy with grandkids (which I loved) and the fibromyalgia was trying to cause a lot of weariness and pain. We were eating and I was wanting more ice tea. It never came. Because of trying to keep the two year old happy I never looked around for the waitress. When we left my husband left a tip but was looking for more one dollar bills when I said, "She wasn't that good".

About 5 minutes later the Holy Spirit finally got my attention. I hated what He was showing me about myself. The waitress looked downtrodden and in need of love and help but I hadn't paid that much attention. He let me know that when I'm tired, hurting or challenged in any way the tests are more critical because they show me what is deep down inside. YUCK!

All this got me wondering about what the little foxes did to spoil the vine so today I googled "foxes". I found that one of their favorite foods is fruit. My fruit was devoured yesterday. It wasn't ripening and whole like it should be. The enemy's desire is to ruin our fruit, destroy our testimony and steal our joy.

BUT GOD has given us repentance, forgiveness, refreshing and restored joy. It is His goodness that leads us to repentance, His mercy that gave us forgiveness and His lovingkindness that brings refreshing joy. All of that runs the little foxes off, at least for a period of time. So instead of staying stuck in a place of self-condemnation (where I use to live) I'm praising God for who He is and what He's done.

With the help of the Holy Spirit the fox was caught before more damage was done, before more fruit was ruined!


Merrie said...

OUCH! That one really hit home and HURT! Thanks for being open to the Holy Spirit and open to us. I will be more aware of the foxes... and my fruit!


I am just grateful that God forgives us and that gives us another chance.

kande said...

Yes, yes, yes!! I recently experienced God showing me fruit in my life and experienced such joy that He would give me a "pat on the back"! It did not take long for the thief to come in and try to steal that away from me.
I have learned I must guard the fruit, continually.

Anonymous said...

I too was contemplating "foxes spoiling the vine" read the scripture in Songs of Solomon and googled "fox vine" your comment was the first i read ... i'll share your comments with those i teach later today. God bless you!


Anonymnous I thank you for visiting! I hope the teaching went well. Would love to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful insights. I am in Malaysia where I serve with my wife and found your blog when I searched for Little foxes and vines. Your experience, shared in your blog, reaches farther than you can know.
- Mike Constantine,
(Please have a look at my website. I wrote it and Diane my wife built it)