Thursday, July 26, 2007


Servant. Servanthood. Bondservant. These words bring forth a cringing response for so many people. In our society being Number 1 is the ultimate. We must be the best, achieve, achieve, achieve that's what we are told to do. We are taught to reach the pinnacle of success. It looks like a pyramid with this wonderful point on top and the base of it full of those who have helped us or whom we have climbed on or over to get there.

As a Christian I am working on learning to serve others and in that to not think more highly of myself than I ought to think. Better put the Holy Spirit is teaching me. This process goes against my flesh--my human fallen nature. I want what I want because I should have it. I like it when I get what I want, have others wait on me, feel important. I like it when other's puff me up.


He says that if I want to be great in HIS Kingdom I have to be the servant of all. Paul called himself a Bondservant or Bondslave of Christ. He was imprisoned yet he said he was content and ministered to all he could including the man in charge of keeping him in prison and the prison wasn't neat and clean.

This last month has found me serving my daughter and her family. For a couple weeks I was at her house helping with her 3 boys (my fabulous grandsons). Then we came to my house where my oldest son, his wife and 2 year old daughter along with my husband and I reside. We have given up our room so our daughter and her sons can sleep as normally as possible. Consequently we are sleeping in our living room. My husband on a leaky air mattress and me on a bed that we brought from upstairs. Our living room is a disaster however I'd rather have them around than not. Along with this the pain from the fibromyalgia I keep trying to ignore is increasing. Then almost a month of lack of sleep and no true Christian Fellowship has my attitude trying to slip. Crankiness wanted to take over, then The Holy Spirit reminded me of all the times I wept in the shower because we had no family here. The word "balance" keeps coming to mind and I realize that it's my internal balance that has to become totally stable no matter what. I must have a quiet and gentle spirit. If I keep my mind focused on Him I will.

When we moved to this little country town across the country from where we lived I left a 3 year old grandson and a 3 week old granddaughter. All comfort was ripped away. Yet, God had told us to come. I have often wondered how Sari (later Sarah) felt when Abraham told her they were going.

Then I remembered Jesus. He left His home in obedience to Father. He served, and served and served. In fact when you look at His Kingdom structure it is an upside down triangle. The more you die to self, the farther down you go so that you can be a servant like Christ. It is Father who will exalt us and only if we are humble.

And the process will continue......................


Merrie said...

Wow... thank you for reminding me. Well, MAYBE thank you. Sort of like disciple for the present is not pleasant, but brings rewards and fruit and benefit (Yes, my translation.
It is all so very true and hit the nail on the head for me. Being so far from family can bring about dispair and pain, but if we change our focus from what we DON'T have to what we DO and start praiseing God for what He has done, then our whole view of life changes.
Thanks for the honesty.


Thank you too. I love the times when I'm in the deep things/presence of God but He asks us to live in the now.....I don't always like that. Right now I look at these 3 grandsons and rejoice. The 2 year old asked PaPa for 5 good bye kisses this morning. It makes all the exhaustion more than worth it.

Cindy said...

You always seem to have a great way with words & ideas. God's given you such a special gift. Servanthood definitely is a BIG PROCESS. Thanks for sharing your heart & using your gift to speak to our hearts & remind us of things we need to remember.