Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Negative to Positive

A few weeks ago I was in Florida at my DD's house. My 7 year old grandson and I went out walking. During the conversation I noticed, once again, how much negativity was coming out of his mouth. He loves to make-up stories and they had a negative feel and so did his talk about his friends. Later in the day I was "reading" a book to my 2 year old grandson. He kept pointing to pictures of kids crying and kept saying crying. No matter how hard I tried to show him the next page where things were put right, he went back to the crying page. My DGD (dear granddaughter) who lives with us is also 2. She brought a book to me the other night and when it got to the point where the puppies' bones had been stolen she kept pointing out they were crying and like her cousin, just seemed to be stuck on it.

When God created He said, "It is good".

God is Joy along with all His other attributes and that is GOOD. When Satan fell and then caused man to sin he brought us negativity. We read the Word and don't see God's love, we just see what will happen if we don't toe the line. BUT GOD wants us to have His perspective. His view says that He has good plans for us, for good and not for evil.
Recently on a teaching CD I heard, "If the thought you have has gotten you to a point you don't want to be -- GET ANOTHER THOUGHT". As we dig into God's Word we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we will allow His Spirit to show us what we are thinking and what to replace it with we will find ourselves in a new place--probably the place God meant for us to be to begin with, the place of good and not evil.


Cindy said...

I've noticed the negative words in my own family too & it grieves me very much. Often, it's when they aren't very happy about something or with life in general. Praying for them has made me more attentive to my own words & being very careful of what I say & much quicker to stop myself when a negative thought comes into my mind. Also, knowing that we can curse ourselves with our own words has changed my words A LOT.

Thanks for the reminder. We can all forget at times.. BUT GOD!!!