Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today I was thinking about churches and the one I like in FL. My thoughts were running to the fact that some people there have a heart for God, some are just there. My thoughts started to go to the desire we all be on the same page and I heard WHEAT AND TARES and sensed that I was being reminded it is not time for the separation.

Sense I'm to stop here and let you share your thoughts...


Merrie said...

excuse me while I go roll on the floor laughing.... A better question for me might be, have you ever NOT been frustrated with people at church.
Seriously, yes, the hard part is knowing who is the undeveloped wheat and who is the tare. It is only by the grace of God that we are able to love and serve both wheat and tares.
I am very thankful that I do not have the ability to know which is the Judas and which is the Peter - both need prayer and love and nurture and guidance. One receives and grows and produces fruit. The other uses what you give him against you.
Again, it is ONLY the grace of God that allows us to love and reach out in faith and hope and not completely withdraw in fear of betrayal. If we didn't have that God given ability, then it would be extremely hard to minister.

Anonymous said...

After our conversation with Cande this morning I heard the phrase, "Retreat into pride." After thinking about it I became convicted about how easy it is to retreat into pride when we are hurt, disagree, or suffer attack from the people in Church.
Maybe we have become unaware that the source of our piety is in fact a form of pride that has infected us. The others around us are there being used by God to perfect us.
The hardest part for me is to be thankful for the chiggers.

Merrie said...

I just tagged you for a meme (whatever that is, I suppose it is all about ME ME - sort of ummmm well, It helps others know about YOU)
All the instructions are over on my page.