Monday, January 28, 2008


I have been tagged by Merrie at to do this meme. She told me it is called that because it is all about boring........but I love Merry so I will do this.

The rules for this meme are: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. Our books shelves are overflowing with secular and Christian books. Some history, some whatever, some fiction. I've started a bunch of them........they may get finished some day. If stress is very high in my life and I begin a fiction book that feels stressful I put it down......I've been told it's because my adrenals are overloaded.

2. My family keeps wanting me to watch movies with them and they just can't understand that I'd rather read. I do like some old movies, and even though it had lots of stress The Lord of the Rings is my favorite.

3. Having grown up in a home with white walls, "Because I can do whatever colors I want" was my mom's reasoning, I don't have white walls. She never added much in the way of color. My husband isn't sure what to do with my penchant for color. Our bedroom has a faux finish what we thought would have brown the more predominant color. I managed to make it look like antiqued red leather (I LOVE IT). He says he doesn't hate it as bad as he thought he would. Our kitchen is lavender, blue and white. Most of it is sponge painted but one wall is all lavender with a carousel horse painted on it.

4. Why a carousel horse you might ask. Well our subdivision is called Camelot and the idea of my cooking is pure fantasy...........

5. Some day I'm going to have a Golden Labrador Retriever. They are gentle wonderful dogs. In 1991 my husband's oldest brother died suddenly so in the middle of December we took a "red eye" from California to Michigan. I was running a fever. The fever got worse and the day after the funeral I was on my husband's cousin's couch while they went to visit an uncle who was in the hospital. Her dog came over to me ever half hour and when I'd tell is that I was O.K. the dog went and laid down again. Yup, Cameo was a Golden Lab.

6. Yorkshire Gold Tea is one of my favorite drinks, I make it iced. NOT SWEET. For 3 years after moving to Georgia I tried to like sweet tea. Finally I had to admit that I hated it.

Now I know I'm supposed to tag other bloggers. I don't have 6 blogger friends ...sigh... so, is the one I'm going to put here.


Merrie said...

Thanks for playing along. It is a fun list and it's always fun to learn new things about friends. I feel the same way about the meme thing... except that I do it for my parents ... they love the personal information, etc.

I also love color on the walls, and when I have my own home, I plan to paint with color!
I love to read and have overflowing bookshelves and still boxes and boxes of books in storage. I rarely sit and watch an entire movie or any tv show.
I love my little Yorkie for the same reason you want a Golden Retriever. He will take a nap with me and sits with me whereever I sit and he also will come and lie down next to me when I'm standing in kitchen cooking (a rare occurence these days).


Your Yorkie has to be much easier to sleep with than my Golden Lab will be.

Our hallway paint is peeling. I will be scraping and doing whatever soon. My desire was for it to be painted a pale periwinkle. However, it will be painted a pale sage green....