Sunday, October 28, 2007


While thinking about the Two Great Commandments and 1 Corinthians 13 I had a BFO--blinding flash of the obvious. The way I love others is to be the same way I love myself. Yea, OK you say, so what...Well the Holy Spirit quickened "patient and kind" to me. I am to be patient with myself and kind to myself.

That does not mean I can set back and do nothing--that's laziness. It does not mean I can do whatever I want--that could be lots of different sins depending on what I want to do.

It does mean that as I pursue God and study His Word and try to live it and know him I don't have to panic or be anxious. I can rely on God to get me there. It means that the "switch" my husband use to say I was so good at using on myself can go into the burn pile because I can give myself grace and mercy. Father gives it to me. By encouraging myself in Him I'm giving grace and mercy to me.

The thought, "He's cheering me on to victory", just popped into my head and heart! What a delightful thought.


Merrie said...

Yea! I'm cheering you on too! What a relief that we don't have to be so hard on oursleves. It is so easy to have mercy for others but not ourselves.
I can easily get "prizes" or surprises and special things for others, but feel guilty getting them for myself.
Thanks for the word and insight!

Cindy said...

You're so right. It's so hard to remember to do that with myself.
Here's hoping we can remember this lesson.